Tuesday 15 May 2012

Food Porn


* Are you surrounded by people who complain that they're too fat and need to loose weight, even though they look like a twelve year old?

* Are you puzzled by the the C listers post baby workout regime, which feature in the numerous thoughtless glossy mags, and think to yourself; "Who the fudge is looking after the baby?"

* Do you experience an inner rage, liken only to the feeling of stubbing your toe as you get out of bed, at the sheer mention of the phrase 'no carbs before marbs', 1) because you actually enjoy eating carbs and could really do with NOT feeling insanely guilty about eating a sodding chip, and 2) because you are not even going to 'marbs', but thanks....for the constant reminder.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to, and quite immediately, stuff your face with this!

Even better idea!  Print off a dozen pocket size pics of this image, and whenever you come across another human being who looks like they are deliberately depriving themselves of adequate nourishment and quite openly and annoyingly will declare this to the world around them, subtly place it within their view (or pocket) when they're not looking, just to remind them that there's more to life than salad.

That's right, today I am sharing with you some explicit food porn; a glorious sausage sandwich.  I wouldn't like to speculate it's calorific content, but if I were to take a wild guess, I'd have go with; high.  Meh.  With the never ending rain, swollen glands and depressing lack of sunshine, I think we could all do with some cheering up and indulge in a dish that will nourish our souls; a high in fat, high in salt, soul nourishing, burger and bun.  Yum!

Hey, and if you ever come across anyone who doesn't actually know what a sausage sandwich is, because, let's face it, the title could do with being a tad more self explanatory; then just recite this definition which I have copied and pasted from Wikipedia's very own page, dedicated entirely to sausage sandwiches -

A sausage sandwich, is a sandwich containing cooked sausage.

Got it?

Ingredients - Tesco's finest pork & caramelised red onion sausages, Warburtons stonebaked wholemeal (soft as you like) rolls & a whole brown onion.

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